Thursday, January 7, 2016

Online Learning Communities

                Remember back to sitting in a brick and mortar classroom with your friends in your class and the teacher at the front of the room spewing tons of knowledge into the air for your brain to connect to any piece of it in order to remember it for a test later. Now, ask yourself what was the best part of the course? Most would say, my friends were in the class. The greatness of the course always increased if the teacher provided opportunities to work with a partner or with a group. Why was this type of activity make class better? Socializing with peers and sharing ideas made the content more understandable and the project that much better.

                Now take the above scenario and think about those who are designing instruction today, with the focus on 21st century skills and the increase in online learning experience. Can the “great teacher who allowed collaborative groups” easily adapt the course they taught the last 10 years to an online format? The answer is NO. “Traditional education strategies are not directly transferable to an online environment” (Palloff, 2016). Time, structure, and the application of principles and sound theory need to be used to build the foundation of online instruction through a solid learning community.

                The need and goal for peer learning is the same in traditional and online communities. But, similarities stop there. How to achieve that learning community in the online environment is different and takes the teacher shifting from the role of director to facilitator (Conrad, 2011). The online learning community includes people, a purpose and a process.

Impact on Student Learning
                Successfully implemented online learning communities create an environment where the facilitator and the learner are equal participants in achieving the learning objectives. They work together side by side. As a community, the participants challenge each other to dig deep in their thinking and provides immediate feedback to one another and provokes deeper reflection on content. The learning community contributes to learners being more self-directed in their learning and to leave the learning community transformed by the new knowledge acquired (Palloff, 2016).
Essential Elements of online community building
                The facilitator plays a critical role in the learning community model. First, the course design needs to be built on solid theory. The theory will serve as a map to design strategies that assist the learner in achieving the goals and objectives for the course (Saba, 2016). Next, the facilitator responsibility and general setup needs to be considered. Key elements are:
Facilitator Responsibility
·         Be sure to be familiar with all technology utilized in the course in order to assist students
·         Be involved throughout the entire course. The facilitator should model the appropriate interaction and response style.
·         Set the tone for the community interaction
Online Set-up

(Palloff, 2016)
·         Easy to navigate the LMS
·         Create a warm and inviting environment that is safe for personal expression by sharing initially with the class
·         Take part in the community discussions, especially checking in the first 2 weeks of the course to be sure the learners are supported with any possible issues.
·         Share a personal bio and encourage others to do the same in order to get to know one another prior to sharing about content.

Sustaining an online learning community
                To sustain a positive online learning environment, learners need to feel empowered to share ideas and feel challenged to think deeply. Once the atmosphere of the community is established, the rules of engagement must be clearly outlined. How and where to share ideas, how often and in what form are a few to outline. Also, planning ahead to meet the needs of those who have never participated in a learning community. Starting with simple interaction, like reading and responding in written format in a discussion board would be a great start. Additionally, providing an introduction to the LMS and the philosophy of online learning can ease the tensions of those new to the online community and are more likely to have them continue with the online learning community option (Palloff, 2016).
Relationship between community building and effective online instruction
                Implemented correctly, the relationship between community building and effective online instruction is a positive one. It provides learners a feeling of being part of something larger and brings personal satisfaction in successful completion. The “normal” peer pressure the community brings to succeed push learners to give a little more and learn more.


Conrad, R.-M. a. (2011). Engaging the Online Learner. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Palloff, R. a. (2016, January). Online Learning Communities. Laureate Education. Walden University Video Media.
Saba, F. (2016, January). Evaluating Distance Learning Theory. Laureate Education. Walden University Video Media.


  1. Hi Michelle,

    Your post on building online learning communities provided an excellent precis of this week’s core concepts. I have always felt that one doesn’t need to toss out Behaviorism and Cognitive learning theory in order to embrace community-based knowledge construction.

    Please provide an example of why you agree or disagree with this assertion?

    On another note, I would like permission to re-blog your informative post on Needs Assessments.

    1. Rob
      First yes, please feel free to re-blog my Needs Assessment post.

      As far as including learning theory, I believe that theory has its place in the foundation of solid instruction. For the discussion of learning communities, learners need to understand the goal of the commmunity first, before they can even understand the role behaviorism and Cognitive learning theory plays in the learning structure. As discussed this week in our video media with Dr. Palloff and Dr. Pratt, start small and build. Learning theories, in my opinion, need to be part of the early building but not the initial basics.

  2. Hi Michelle,

    I appreciate you describing the areas that shape the online environment. I'm wondering if the role of the instructor is the right one? Is it truly best for the instructor to play a role as a participant? Aren't they getting paid to know more than the students? I think that the role as a facilitator is fine. But, when an instructor starts becoming a student regarding participation, I think that is crossing the line in a negative manner. When I take a course, I want an expert teaching me and guiding my learning much like an apprenticeship. What are your thoughts on the instructor online role for the learning community?

    1. In my opinion, when the instructor responds to learners and asks questions just like other learners, it gives validation to whom they are responding to and it also brings a sense of community to the online course. I don't think an instructor participating makes them less of an expert, I actually think it shows they are still interested in the content and what the objectives are instead of a bystander getting a pay check.

  3. Hi Michelle,

    The way you explain the role of the facilitator/instructor in building the online learning community reminds me of the gradual release of responsibility model that was used in the past 10-15 years to teach face-to-face classroom instructors how to move away from complete direct instruction to a more student-centered model. I'm wondering how much of the standards for facilitator creation of and participation in the online learning community might be based on the earlier ideas of the gradual release of responsibility model as seen here:
    Are you familiar with this model? Do you think that it would be useful for adaptation to the online learning community?
    Thanks for sharing,

    1. When I was still in the classroom teaching, all new units of study were formulated around this model. It ensures a solid foundation for students to begin to explore new content.

      This model could have a place in the online community but I think it would be reserved for introductory classes on how to succeed in an online environment or a week 1 or 2 session to model expectations. I don't believe it would be beneficial beyond the novice.

  4. Michelle,
    I really enjoyed your blog post this week. I think you made it very clear how important the role of the facilitator is in the establishment and building of the online community. I really liked the way you started of by giving us a scenario we could relate to perk our interest in your post.

  5. Michelle, I like the organized way in which you presented your information (which was connected to our course resources).

  6. Hi Michelle,

    I thought you touched on all of the essential parts that need to be included in an online course. I noticed that you spoke about the student's goals. I was curious to find out whether you ever looked at the goals of the students to provide feedback to the student on whether the class would meet that goal or not. I was also curious to find out if the goals were able to help you determine their knowledge and proximity.
